Driverless Cars. This phrase would conjure up pictures of a dangerous accident if mentioned 60 years ago. What could a driverless car be if not terribly dangerous? It would be like a ship without a helm, a plane without a pilot, mindlessly speeding into whatever obstacle lies in its path. But today, the phrase driverless car hardly raises our eyebrows anymore. With the recent advances in automation and sensor technology, many are hoping that driverless cars will someday be vastly safer than cars with drivers. Many are saying that automated cars may do away with traffic accidents altogether someday. It’s strange how a phrase can mean something so very different based on when it is written. This not only applies to phrases that have to do with different locations, but with different times as well. This whole scenario can equally be applied to the nature of the term “love.” Too often love is just associated with heartbreaking stories, fleeting romance, or just shallow emotion. But there’s something so much deeper to true love. The deeply heartfelt, and yet principle-based, love that Christ has for us as human beings is described in John 15:11-14: “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.” The love that Jesus presents involves self-sacrifice, empathy, and focus. It’s the most glorious portrait of love this world has ever seen. And we have the opportunity to tell people about it. What a privilege!